1400 S Pine St, Harrison, AR - Sun 10am

What is Ramsey+?


Handling money the right way is a lifelong process. Build habits that keep you motivated and on track with your money goals. Many times, we hesitate to take the next step God wants for us because we are hindered and stressed out about money. That's where this comes in!  Ramsey+ is biblical instruction on how to handle money God's way.  You will find tools and classes that will help you focus your stewardship goals, no matter what stage of life or finances you are in.  Come join us!
  1. Click the link above
  2. Type in your name and email, then click "get started"
  3. Enter a password and click "create account"
  4. Type your name again and click "continue"
  5. In the top left corner click on "my class"
  6. Click on "Find an FPU class", then click "in person"
  7. Type in 72601 and click "show results"
  8. Click on "First Baptist Church" and join the class!